
11th Grader was USAID Mission Director on International Day of the Girl Child

Trinicious Wesseh, a 16-year-old 11th grade student at the Levi C. Williams High School in Monrovia took over the role of USAID Liberia Mission Director today.  October 11 was International Day of the Girl Child, and the U.S. Embassy is joining the global community in celebrating this important day by giving Trinicious the opportunity to lead.

After arriving at the Embassy, Trinicious got right to work.  She visited the entire USAID staff and hosted meetings with office directors.  She also attended the weekly USAID senior staff meeting and met with the many other offices in the Embassy.  At the end of her busy day, Trinicious reflected on the impact of the U.S. Mission in Liberia and her opportunity to be part of the team: “USAID is making a very visible impact on the lives of Liberians.  I am very happy I had the opportunity to see and work with the people responsible for USAID work in Liberia, and my stay at USAID will positively affect my career decisions.”

Trinicious hopes to be a diplomat in the future.  She certainly proved today that she has the potential to accomplish that goal.  After her meeting with Ambassador Michael McCarthy, he noted, “Given what we’ve seen of Trinicious today, we expect great things from her!”  Trinicious is also passionate about girl and women empowerment in Liberia and the rest of the world.  Voices like hers will help lead the international community toward achieving a more equitable society for girls in the future.

USAID Liberia Mission Director Jim Wright noted that there are unfortunately still socials barriers preventing women from being promoted to top jobs, commonly known as a “glass ceiling,” that must be overcome: “I have two daughters, and I want to do everything I can to help break glass ceilings that should not exist.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken recognized the observance of International Day of the Girl Child yesterday: “From the promotion of girls’ education and leadership to the prevention and response to all forms of gender-based violence, the United States is partnering with girls and their communities to advance gender equity and equality and the participation of girls in all aspects of society … We are proud to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child, and today, like every day, the United States stands firm in its long-standing commitment to the empowerment and rights of girls, in all their diversity, because we know that societies in which girls are enabled to be full and free participants are safer, more secure, and more prosperous.”

USAID Administrator Samantha Power stressed the broad societal gains that result from investing in girls: “It is a fact that when we invest in girls’ rights and girls’ education, the returns are felt not just in individual households, but in economies as a whole.  But our support for girls is about much more than GDP.  It’s about fostering the livelihoods and dignity of all of our children.”

This article was from a press release distributed by APO Group.  You can start earning money by becoming our Independent Reporter or Contributor. Contact us at

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