
Invictus Energy Signs Drilling Rig Contract for Cabora Bassa Project in Zimbabwe

Invictus Energy announced it has executed a binding drilling rig contract for Cabora Bassa project with Exalo Drilling SA to drill the Muzarabani-1 exploration well and an option for an additional exploration well for the basin opening drilling campaign, scheduled to commence in June 2022. The contract comes after Invictus entered an MOU with the company last December and involves the Exalo #202 rig, which has a drilling range of 5000m. The #202 Rig is currently engaged in operations in Tanzania and is expected to commence mobilization to the Cabora Bassa project in May.

Last week the Company finalized processing of its 2021 Cabora Bassa 2D Seismic Survey (CB21 Survey), with interpretation of the data now underway. Early interpretation has revealed multiple trapping geometries and a target rich hydrocarbon environment. The Company has identified a number of potential well locations for the Muzarabani-1 well and is maturing additional prospects identified from the CB21 Survey for a second well to be drilled in the upcoming campaign.

Invictus also announced the appointment of Barry Meikle as Country Manager of the Company. Mr. Meikle brings significant operational and HSE experience throughout Africa and Oceania to the role. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Meikle served with Invictus as Project Manager for the CB21 Seismic Survey and lead the execution of the seismic survey which was delivered within budget and on schedule with 147,000 hours of LTI free operations. His previous experience includes a range of onshore geophysical, operational and camp project management in mining and oil and gas in Africa including in Kenya with the successful Lokichar Basin drilling campaign and Papua New Guinea with InterOil and Total Energies. Mr. Meikle is Non-Executive Director of Allied Timbers Saligna and Mina Alumina LTA (in Mozambique) and a member of the Victoria Falls COVID Taskforce.

Scott Macmillan, Managing Director, Invictus: “The maiden drilling program to test the world class Muzarabani prospect is coming together very well, having secured Exalo’s #202 rig, global well services provider Baker Hughes and long lead items. “Invictus welcomes Country Manager Barry Meikle to the team at this critical time as the Company ramps up activity in the Cabora Bossa basin. “Having strong local leadership that continues to engage widely with stakeholders as we mature additional potential within our acreage and build our prospective resource inventory is crucial.” “I am looking forward to spending time on the ground in Zimbabwe over the next month to ensure our campaign remains focused as momentum builds.”   


This article was written by Pie Kamau and distributed by Africa Business Communities.  You can start earning money by becoming our Independent Reporter or Contributor. Contact us at

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Written by Mercy ANURIKA

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