
Koforidua stadium nearing completion

The Koforidua Sports Stadium, one of the 10-multi-purpose Sports Centres being constructed by the government, is nearing its completion.

When completed, the facility will have a standard FIFA pitch which can be used by Premier and Divisional One teams in the region.

The multi-purpose Centre at Koforidua is nearing completion pending installation of seats and rolling of tartan tracks.

The remaining nine at Wa, Navrongo, Yendi, Nyinahin, Dormaa Ahenkro, Dunkwa-On-Offin, Axim, Ho and Kaneshie – are all close to completion.

These centres boasts of FIFA standard pitches, eight-lane athletic oval, a 40-metre long jump runway with a take-off board, multi-purpose courts (tennis, volley, handball, etc), spectator stands – popular and VIP, hotel units, IT hubs, shops and restaurants.

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