
Three Innovations Made by Young Africans to fight COVID-19

As news of the imminent spread of COVID-19 in Africa became a reality, governments introduced strict measures such as lock-downs in order to minimize its reach. But African states are known for their lack of infrastructure and doubts of whether governments would cope came to the fore. At the same time, the continent’s youth saw the gaps and opportunities where they could assist in their communities and beyond.’s Crisis Management for African Business leaders, is a series of webinars looking to help navigate and address the challenges brought on by the pandemic on the continent. The topic, Brilliant African Innovations against COVID-19 unearthed solutions created by young people that illustrate the continent’s silver lining in the crisis.

“We call on creatives to collaborate with others across the continent and help solve the COVID-19 problem in a different way by using sounds, words, imagery, and motion pictures to educate or speak to the minds of the people that are affected.”               _ Aya Dlova, South Africa

“Without being dependent on international aid, it is possible to find solutions to better the African health system through entrepreneurship and social enterprise. I hope to inspire people to begin their entrepreneurial market.”               _Dédé Tounkara, Cote d’Ivoire

“We believe healthcare is about fostering collaboration and increasing access to quality and affordable healthcare for all, using one true source of information – with the patient at the centre and in full control of their healthcare journey. That’s the power of, which will see us through COVID-19 and beyond.”               _Jessica Chivinge, Zimbabwe

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