
Turkey Opens Computer Lab and Library in South Darfur University

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) opened a computer lab, library, and solar energy system in the Nyala Vocational School of Health Services under the University of Health Sciences in South Darfur, Sudan.

A computer lab of 45 people equipped with computers, tables, chairs, and a smart board, a library equipped with 4 AC, bookshelves, desks, and chairs, and a solar energy system of 16 KW solar panels, inverter, and batteries were opened in the Nyala Vocational School of Health Services. The Governor of South Darfur, Hamid Etticani Hannun, the Vice-Rector of the University of Health Sciences, Prof. Murat Elevli, the Director of Nyala Vocational School of Health Services Yunus Ahmed Adem Yahya, TİKA’s Hartum Coordinator, Fulya Aslan and representatives of Turkish organizations and institutions participated in the opening ceremony.

The Governor of South Darfur, Hamid Etticani Hannun gave a speech at the opening ceremony and said the project conducted by TİKA at Nyala Vocational School of Health Services is a significant contribution to the improvement of the health sector in Darfur. He thanked the President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and gave him his kind regards. Hannun thanked TİKA also for the restoration of Sultan Ali Dinar Palace, distribution of seeds and saplings, and construction of Nyala Sudan-Türkiye Education and Research Hospital. TİKA’s Hartum Coordinator, Fulya Aslan said as the education and energy capacity of the vocational school increases, students will have better opportunities to access sources and do research. Aslan stated that education and learning activities will continue uninterruptedly and efficiently with the installation of solar energy systems in the region, where there is a frequent and long-term power cuts. The first graduation ceremony was held on July 23rd at the school, which has two programs, “Anesthesia” and “First and Emergency Aid” under the Department of Medical Techniques and Services, where nearly 400 students receive an education.

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Written by Mercy ANURIKA

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