
UN deploys peacekeepers to end violence in S. Sudan

The decision, the UNMISS said, followed reports that about 80 people died and over 100 were injured in clashes between the Gak and Manuer communities in the state.

Peacekeepers and their equipment were flown into the region because roads have been destroyed by heavy rains.

“This fighting must stop,” said UNMISS chief David Shearer.

“We are urging the communities involved and their leaders to put an end to the violence and come together in reconciliation and peace for the good of their people,” he added.

According to UNMISS, the violence that devastated South Sudan since the country’s civil war broke out in December 2013, claiming nearly 400,000 lives, has subsided.

“Inter-communal clashes continue to result in the killing and injuring of civilians, cattle raiding and the looting of property,” stressed Shearer.

In addition to the peacekeeping troops, UNMISS said it is coordinating mediation talks in the affected communities

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