On Saturday, December 11, 2021, the official launch of the Mali English Club Leader Training Program took place at the Lycée Public de Kalaban Coro. The Director of the American Center in Bamako represented the US Embassy in Mali at the ceremony. Educational authorities and English clubs also participated in the ceremony. The event was an opportunity to describe the program to the public and to introduce the project team and participants.
The program will be implemented by the Mali English Club Council (MECC) and will last six months. The goal of the program is to build the capacity of 38 English club leaders. During the six (6) months, the 38 English club leaders will receive training in organizational leadership ; skills to improve communication and the capacity to expand their membership. They will also be introduced to how to develop the management skills of English club members and students; and how to promote the culture, ideas and programs sponsored by the U.S. government. Before closing the ceremony, Mali English Club Council (MECC) donated a wardrobe and 300 English books to the Kalaban Coro Public High School library as a token of goodwill for the success of the program.
This article was from a press release distributed by APO Group. You can start earning money by becoming our Independent Reporter or Contributor. Contact us at IR@downtownafrica.com
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