
Cameroon: ICT actors upgrade skills on management of cyberspace

This was at the third edition of a workshop on cyber risks assessment that opened in Yaounde today, under the chairmanship of the British High Commissioner to Cameroon, HE Rowan James Laxton.

Organised by ANTIC in collaboration with the Commonwealth, the workshop through the different exchanges amongst participants aimed at contributing significantly to a safer and more resilient cyberspace in Cameroon so as to enable the ICT sector play its full role in the country’s socio-economic development.

In the course of the workshop, results obtained from an analysis of data collected on the critical assets deployed in Cameroon’s cyberspace were presented.

This analysis, ANTIC’s General Manager said has enabled the institution’s Technical Services to establish an inventory of risks faced by national critical assets.

The first edition of the workshop took place in April 2019, and focused amongst other things on the presentation of a data collection form for critical assets of some institutions, meanwhile the second edition in July 2019 focused on the validation of the data collected.

ICT actors drawn from institutions in diverse sectors in Cam.

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Written by Chiamaka Ekeh

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