
IsDB Group to Organize Forum on Climate Action and Digital Transformation at in Egypt

The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) is convening two special parallel events on June 2 and 3, at the IsDB Group’s Private Sector Forum, which will run at the IsDB’s 47th Annual Meetings in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The two discussions with senior speakers will dive deep into climate action and digital transformation. They will provide a good opportunity to network with IsDB Group member states, especially Egypt as it brings digitization and climate action into play in order to achieve its own development targets under its bold Egypt Vision 2030:

June 2 [14:00-15:00] – How digital transformation can support finance and investment

Join high level speakers discussing the digital transformation of business communities in member states, with a specific concentration on ICIEC’s initiative for establishing the OIC Business Intelligence Center (OBIC).

The importance of digitizing trade and commerce is paramount – not least because it can help improve supply chain management, vital in a time of geopolitical change, and also it can be used to improve transparency and combat bad practice.  Digitization of the global trade ecosystem has long been a goal, but there have been tangible developments in the region, not least the adoption by some players of new enabling umbrella legislation (such as under UNCITRAL), which shows progress in digitizing physical trade, vital in the modern economy.

June 3 [11:05 – 12:05] – How credit and political risk insurance can help facilitate climate action

This session highlights how CPRI insurance can help facilitate climate action and will introduce ICIEC’s latest initiatives for climate action, and present and share experiences, transactions and partnerships in member states. The discussion will engage member state private sector actors on solutions and services provided by ICIEC for climate action, serving member states’ ESG agendas. This discussion will spotlight initiatives that will help Egypt achieve its Vision 2030 goals with particular respect to the environment.

“We’re delighted to be hosting these two parallel events in Egypt. ICIEC’s involvement at the Private Sector Forum will provide great opportunity to engage with the private sector in our member states and wider global community and help energize the private sector partnerships at high levels, through digitization and solutions for climate action,” says Mr Oussama KAISSI CEO of ICIEC.    

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Written by Mercy ANURIKA

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