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Tanzanian Legal-Tech Startup, Sheria Kiganjani Wins Seedstar Dar Es Salaam

Tanzanian legal-tech startup, Sheria Kiganjani, has been selected as the winner of the Seedstars Dar es Salaam, Tanzanian leg of the Seedstars World competition. This saves the startup space at the global final and the opportunity to win up to US$500,000 in equity investment.

Seedstars World will bring together national winners from all around the globe to compete in a pitching competition at the Seedstars Summit in Switzerland next year. Besides the chance to win equity investment, they will also have the chance to win other prizes and be exposed to potential investors.

Seedstars Dar es Salaam was held at Seedspace Dar es Salaam where local startups pitching in front of a panel of local juries. It turned out Sheria Kiganjaniemerged as the winner of the event. The startup is the first digital platform in the country that provides access to legal services.

Tanzanian Legal-Tech Startup, Sheria Kiganjani Wins Seedstar Dar Es Salaam via

In December this year, Sheria Kiganjani will participate in the Seedstars Africa Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. In April next year, the startup will also take part in the main event held in Switzerland.

In additions to the event, the startup will join a week-long training program where they will meet other winners from around the globe, mentors, as well as investors.

Neema Magimba, Co-founder of Sheria Kiganjani said: “This is a feeling that no money in the world can buy. We are super happy and getting ready to represent Dar es Salaam and Tanzania at the regional and global competitions.”

Sheria Kiganjani was named the winner of the competition after defeating other 11 startups. The event took place on Friday, August 23rd, at Dar es Salaam. Coming as the second and the third winners of Seedstars Dar es Salaam are Kilimono Fresh, a B2B online platform specializes distributing farmers’ produce and Zanzibar Health Innovation, the startup that builds an AI-based cardiologist robot.


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